Criteria for Funding Request
It is the mission of Community Projects, Inc. to engage in charitable and benevolent activities and services within Napa County. The Thrift Shop, located at 715 Franklin Street, is the chief source of funds. Thanks to the generous donations received from our community members and the countless hours contributed by our volunteer members, Community Projects provides monetary support of over $500,000.00 annually in the form of pledges and scholarships.
Your proposal/request for funding must be in writing and include the following information:
Your proposal/request for funding must be in writing and include the following information:
- Full name and address of organization or person making the request.
- Name, telephone number, and/or email address of the contact person.
- Purpose of the request.
- Number of people request will benefit.
- Current and proposed budget.
- List of your Board Members.
- Other methods or sources being used to raise funds, if any.
- Please keep your request for funding to a 1 page document.
You may also include pertinent information that supports your request.
It is the policy of Community Projects not to fund administrative or start-up costs of any organization.
Submit written funding requests to:
Executive Board, Community Projects, Inc.
715 Franklin Street, Napa, CA 94559
- You should be prepared to provide year-end accounting of use of funds.
- All requests for financial consideration are first referred to the CP Executive Board.
If approved, the request is presented to the membership for a vote. Requests can take up to
90 days to process. - The Executive Board will not consider financial assistance to any organization that sends its
request by form letter. - Requests for school or classroom funding must be submitted on school letterhead and signed by the principal.
- The Executive Board will not consider financial assistance to any individual.
It is the policy of Community Projects not to fund administrative or start-up costs of any organization.
Submit written funding requests to:
Executive Board, Community Projects, Inc.
715 Franklin Street, Napa, CA 94559